The Marvis somehow, started life as Ed Tibuzzi and Stef Leonardi way back in 2002. They were aiming to be a band that everyone would remember, but that wasn’t going to happen in Italy. Leaving Rome in early 2004 with the dream of conquering the UK and then the world, The Marvis settled in London and years passed, with friends and bassists and drummers coming and going, but it wasn't until 2008 that things started to kick off. Ed and Stef were joined by bassist Vanessa Cazorla in late 2007 who also left her hometown of Barcelona in search of the perfect band. After a few fail attempts in London she decided her heart was set for The Marvis. Finally, drummer Myles Phoenix jumped ship to join The Marvis after years of excessive band playing and settled into his new home with Ed, Stef and Vanessa very quickly. Playing for the pure love of music and regarding their fans as the most important things are the two key philosophies central to what The Marvis stand for. It is also a brand of tooth paste!! Currently working out of their Shoreditch HQ, The Marvis gig and play some of the best London venues for unsigned bands and are always looking to play new places and expand their fanbase. With a highly regarded demo recorded in October 2008 and a strong passion to play, The Marvis are considered a force to be reckoned with!!