Fanfarlo: Tour With Snow Patrol (!), Sandwich In A Fandango
20th January 2009
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Lordy. Old Label Fandango chums Fanfarlo have gone and landed the Snow Patrol tour. They will be supporting at such enormodomes as the SECC and o2 Arena (or whatever it's called. LOOK HOW INDIE WE ARE). Yet they're still finding time to play a little Fandango show as part of our eighth birthday celebrations. That is at 229 on March 5th. Lovely stuff. Tickets are £7 from the usual places. MORE NEWS

20th January 2009

Lordy. Old Label Fandango chums Fanfarlo have gone and landed the Snow Patrol tour. They will be supporting at such enormodomes as the SECC and o2 Arena (or whatever it's called. LOOK HOW INDIE WE ARE). Yet they're still finding time to play a little Fandango show as part of our eighth birthday celebrations. That is at 229 on March 5th. Lovely stuff. Tickets are £7 from the usual places. MORE NEWS