Proposal / Missors And Smoke
I Am In Love
3 March 2014
[ Galagos 047 ]
MP3: £0.79
The Release: 'PROPOSAL' / 'MIRRORS & SMOKE''
The Release Date: MARCH 3RD 2014
The Truth: I AM IN LOVE live in North London. They consist of Sebastian Twigden (vocals), Martin Brien (guitar), Edmund Grunill (drums), Nicola Robertson (keyboards) and Eliza-Rose Leonard (keyboards / guitar).
'Proposal' is their debut UK single. It is high. It is mighty. It is a great big shiny slab of synth-soothed electrofied pop dynamism like a new New Order flushed through with the DNA of DFA Records. It starts with the iciest of synthesisers, builds through a jittery, thoroughly jilted roll call of rhythms and erupts into a rush of euphoric vocals and festival crowd-romping beats. Already endorsed across the new band board from GoldFlake Paint to Steve Lamacq to The Tipping Point, ‘Proposal’ is smart and tarty and art with a great big beating heart(y). Or, in their own words...
"Taking influences from the bands and artists they grew up with (Bowie, Byrne, Bloc) 'Proposal', with its tectonic beats and rhythmically challenging melody, stomps and then drags you to a lyrically lonely place of desperation and anguish before an uplifting second half would suggest a happy ending...
...she said No."
Mark their broken words, I AM IN LOVE have hidden depths and dark corners. We know their name. We know what they sound like. We know that, like the mysterious travelling minstrels they are they have played gigs throughout Europe multiple times. And catching their fearsomely tight low-key shows recently at the Shacklewell Arms and the Old Blue Last and the Black Heart (a perfectly-named venue for I AM IN LOVE, if ever there was one) and Killing Moon’s Barfly night, with Sebastian thrashing and gnashing, giving everything he has centre stage, backed by the bullish boys and neatly flanked by the girls' driving keyboards, you can tell these people can play guitar and much more besides really quite spectacularly well.
The mysterious travelling minstrels are now focusing their attentions and energies on home, ostensibly by finishing work on their debut album proper. Given what has gone before in this press release you may be unamazed to hear that album process has been a bruising process.
"It has been many long days and nights locked away from the world, ignoring our friends, family, lovers, trying to create this body of work that tells the story of I Am In Love," they quip, sighingly. "There were tears, fall-outs, break-ups and make-ups. People have their hearts broken or break other people's hearts and these things leave you feeling hurt and raw inside. The album conveys nothing but raw emotion and raw passion..."
I AM IN LOVE hereby join the fun-sized party pack which is Club Fandango's '12 x 12' singles club, where in-house record company Label Fandango releases 12 singles by the likes of Department M, Desperate Journalist, Longfellow, Feldspar, Felt Tip and quite-literally-six more acts to celebrate turning 12 mighty years old.
I AM IN LOVE will be performing really quite spectacularly well at this gig here:
MARCH 11TH LONDON DALSTON Shacklewell Arms (Single Launch Party)
*note date changed from March 4th*